Monday, October 22, 2007

Rainy Sunday

UGH! It was raining and blowing hard enough for a pug to fly through the sky! I don't like going out in the rain, so Mommy bought me this raincoat. But she doesn't know that I hate the raincoat more -- it is so embarrassing walking by other dogs in the bright yellow coat. I showed her -- we walked to the front yard and then I sat down and refused to walk anymore. Mommy got all wet trying to pull me along. That'll show her who's boss . . .

Ooo -- I see a bone being brought out of the fridge. See you all later . . .


Oscar said...

I don't blame you. I'd hate that too, but at least you don't get wet-I abhor being wet. Also, bright yellow makes you more visible which could also mean more attention. But, I say this not knowing the real consequences of having to wear a giant yellow raincoat.

The Devil Dog said...

I do NOT go out in the rain. I goto the top of the stairs and run back in when mom's back is turned. Sometimes parents have no fashion concept. Construction yellow. Great!
Sre you going to tell us wy you got moved to Alaska, and all about your parents? Mom is curious. Are there a lot of people there? Any other pugs? Educated people want to know.
