Thursday, January 15, 2009

Snow in Petersburg

We are back from our travel to Petersburg, Alaska again. Mommy dragged the whole family with her saying how she would miss us and how she wanted us to be with her, blah, blah, blah. I don't recall her saying that before my little sister came along . . . But since I am a traveling pug, I didn't complain too much (except for that ferry ride of course) .
Since it has been so snowy here, I thought the conditions might be better up north. Stupid me! What was I thinking --- this is Alaska! The conditions were worse in Petersburg.

Geez! I can't believe my parents dragged me north into more snow

Why can't my parents find employment in Hawaii?

No thanks, Daddy, I don't need to go out until springtime


The Devil Dog said...

I am with you on that, Frances. And as far as I am concerned, spring can't come soon enough.


Brutus and Miley said...

Frances, I wish I was where you are! I love the snow!

Archie and Melissa said...

hi frances!
oh look at all of that snow!

Stay warm up there in AK!

How cute! i see a little sister in the top corner of your photo. :) what a wonderful picture!
you take such good care of her!
m & e

Anonymous said...

Your last photo is very cute!! And I think Indy aggrees with you about that, but now that most of our snow is gone, she only walks on the snow!

Too Cute Pugs said...

Oh, boy, Frances, it must be hard for you living in Alaska when you don't like snow. We don't like it much either and geesh, we used to live in Texas but Mommy thought it was too hot there. Crazy, right?

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

Anonymous said...

Gee...that is a lot of snow!