Thursday, November 1, 2007

Post-Halloween . . .

It was certainly not a fun day for me . . .

First of all Grandma and Aunt Judy left and took Daddy with them. Who is going to walk me during the day? Mommy says it is about time I learn to pee on the "designated areas". Who is she kidding? I am a wild Alaskan pug and I pee wherever I want to pee!

And then Mommy took me to work with her so I can meet the kids that were coming around for trick-or-treating. I though whoo-wee! I get to go someplace new and show off my cuteness. So we get there and the next thing I know, boomph! the lobster costume is on me. I am trying to stare my Mommy down and show my displeasure, but she and her co-workers are busy laughing at me. I didn't think it was so funny . . .

So here I am wandering the hall, meeting new people when someone shouts, "the kids are here." I zip off towards the door and run into a pack of little, screaming, slobbering human tots. I realized my mistake and tried to turn around but I was quickly surrounded. I looked for any escape routes, but the toddler pack quickly closed in -- I was trapped! I cannot tell you how not fun it was being petted, kissed, slobbered on by 20 young humans. Those little monsters ripped my lobster costume right off -- I started fearing for my life. But then the adult humans accompanying the children finally restored some order and began peeling the kids off me. And I fought back -- I started licking a few of them. They squealed and ran away. Those little ones smell nice but they act weird. Anyway, Mommy thought I had enough so we went home after that. The only good news is that my lobster costume is pretty much a goner . . .


Jessica said...

Poor Frances!! That story sounds awful. But that is the curse of the pug you know. We are just so cute that all the humans (even tot humans) can't keep their hands off of us. It's just impossible.

Hope you are getting to rest up today.

Love, Zoe

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

Oh my! That was a close call. You have to be careful around those little human things. They are unpredictable and not too bright, but sometimes they drop food, so they are worth having around every now and then.

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

Oh No! They pulled your Lobster costume off! how dare they! I hope you got to lick a few sticky fingers as they did this to you!