Tuesday, December 23, 2008

For Crying Out Loud . . .

Thanks for the support out there as I try to deal with my newest sibling. On a lighter note, so my grandmother is here with us to help out with my sister; unfortunately, she brought her rat, er, chihuahua here with her. As if that wasn't enough, that little creature has an outfit as well:

Isn't this just the most ridiculous thing you have ever seen? Who would want to dress up a rat?

I am trying to see if this getup is for real . . .


Archie and Melissa said...

hi frances!
oh how fun to have grandma there! what a special christmas.

i bet you two become fast friends! you look cute together.
m & e

Eduardo said...

My Mommy says SQUEE! She thinks that that is one cute doggie! Y'all will be having fun real soon!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

The Devil Dog said...

Maybe she's cold, Frances. I bet she is not used to the Alaskan cold like you are!


Nevis said...

Ha ha ha! Frances, you're having a hard time of it these past few months. First this interloper, the baby, and now a rat? Whatever will you do?

Sandra y Coco Pug said...

Merry Christmas! I liked the rat, she looks cute!

Anonymous said...

hahaha poor Frances! The silly rat isn't a wild alaskan mountain pug so I bet she is cold up there!! lol

Merry Christmas!

Brutus and Miley said...

Happy Holidays! We are happy to hear you made it home safe. Your new sis will get use to the head licking!

Too Cute Pugs said...

Happy Holidays Frances!

What a silly rat. One of those was in our yard one day. He just snuck in through the gate. Rats can't be trusted. That's why they wear those coats. Their hiding things in there.

Angie said...

Such cute pictures!!

Hugs and Pugs,