Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Peanut Butter!

My darling mother (dripping sarcasm here) decided to post quite un-glorious pictures of me trying to get the remnats out of the peanut butter jar. I always claim to be a ferocious pug, but these pictures seem to reduce me to a begging-for-scraps breed of canine.
I am abashed at being caught like this . . .

My nose just needs to be a little bit longer . . . can't quite reach the bottom of the jar . . .


Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

But you look so cute holding that jar with your paw!

Nevis said...

Grrrr! Frances you do look ferocious. Like a mean polar bear attacking a gazelle.

Wait, do Polar Bears eat Gazelles? I don't think so. a Polar Bear attacking a Killer Whale. yes, that's way more bad ass. That's totally you.

Anonymous said...

Nevis is exactly right!!

Besides.. when it comes to peanut butter.. you have to do what you have to do.

Wilson & Henry said...

Exactly! No one around here is going to blame you for getting to that peanut butter by any means necessary.

Archie and Melissa said...

Hi Frances!
You look so cute hunting for peanut butter!
Don't be like winnie the pooh and get stuck in the honey jar.
You are a cool pug!
m & e

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

Oh yes...Peanut Butter jars are a hit here at our house too!
I love how they hold onto the jar. It amazes me to see just how much they can streach out thier tongues!

The Devil Dog said...

But you look so cute, and besides, we would all be doing the same thing.


Christine & Giggs said...

We buy the big jars of peanut butter (I LOVE it on toast and with apples and to make cookies). If we gave it to Giggs, his whole head would end up inside it!

Unknown said...

NO shame in your peanut butter game, Frances! Just dropping by to say 'hi!'
-Winston and Clementine