Monday, June 1, 2009

Not Lookalikes

I know you guys are all marveling about how much my sister and I look alike (see my last blog if you think likewise). Here in Florida, I have noticed a distinct difference in the birds that congregate outside our abode. The birds here are much skinnier and smaller:


We don't see such fragile birds in Alaska

You are too skinny bird . . . you need to eat more meat!


Now, this is the type of bird I am used to seeing. This handsome creature obviously eats very well!


Anonymous said...

Haha I think the birds in Florida might be safer for you too chase then the ones in Alaska!

Archie and Melissa said...


looks like the birds in florida are a little dainty.

you will always be a wild alaskan pug francis!

great pugservations!

Becky said...

We have eagles here, they are just hard to find! You are such a funny little girl! Buzzards are pretty good size too, especially up close and very UGLY!

The Devil Dog said...

Heh heh heh, I wonder if that Alaskan bird would like to eat the Floridian bird?


Harry Pugalicious said...

Hey Frances. Those are some stick birds you gots in the Flo-rida!

It might have soundeds like I gets the Mexican food, but really I's lucky if I get a chip! The peoples eat the food and I just gets to beg and gets loved on by other people at the restaurant.

But sometimes peoples drop things at tables nearby!

If you comes to see me, I'll try to get us a table next to kids. Kids always drops food!

Nevis said...

I think it's obvious that you're not so fond of your new local, Francis. How does your Mommy feel??

Sandy said...

That Eagle is so regal...I remember seeing a bunch of white dots up in the trees when we were on the cruise in neat to see all those Eagles in one place.

Anonymous said...

Haha I think the birds in Florida might be safer for you too chase then the ones in Alaska!

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